This blog is mostly professional, but may have some personal notes in it as well, as it affects my professional activities.

Its namesake stems from my PhD research into regional identities in the late eighteenth century in what is now southern Bavaria.

I blog about issues related to information literacy, access to library resources, the environment, and the Historical Geography of Rupertsland.

Some sources regarding his life and work.

Fischer, H. (1988) ‘Schön und vortrefflich’: die ‘Charte von Schwaben’: Ein kartengeschichtlich bedeutsames Werk zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts, in: Beiträge zur Landeskunde: Regelmässige Beilage zum Staatsanzeiger für Baden-Württemberg, Juni 1988, 3:1–8.

Fischer, H. (1988) Die ‘Charte von Schwaben’ im Massstab 1:86,400: Erläuterungen, in the series: Reproduktionen alter Karten, Stuttgart.

Fischer, H. (1993) Die ‘Charte von Schwaben’ 1:86,400, Cartographica Helvetica 7 (1993) 1–10.Gradmann, J.J. (1802) Das gelehrte Schwaben: oder Lexicon der jetzt lebenden schwäbischen Schriftsteller, Ravensburg.

Günther, Siegmund (1922) Eine Kartierung Oberschwabens um die Wende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts, Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Klasse der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München, Jahrgang 1921 315–330, 317n.

Wolfart, P. (2008) Mapping the Early Modern State: the Work of Ignaz Ambros Amman, 1782–1812, Journal of Historical Geography, 34(1):1-23.

"Ignaz Ambros von Amman" in Wikipedia [short entry but cites Wolfart (2008).]

Indigenous Studies Portal News

Monday, December 13, 2010

New Study of Russian Fur Trade

I attended interesting event, courtesy of the Rupertsland Society last week. At issue was a very informal presentation of a scholar's soon to be released study of the Russian Fur Trade in North America. There are some fascinating parallels and some important differences with the British operated concerns. Most notable was the hard slog to get from Moscow to Alaska on the overland route, a turn around time of 2 years compared to a few months from Hudson's Bay to London, once the routes were reasonably well established, and the port was ice free. Also striking is the absence of east-west water routes, unlike large parts of North America, though admittedly not Athabasca, Mackenzie, and points west.

I discussed briefly with Prof. V. the early negotiations between the Bay and the burgeoning state (Britain or Canada).
He was intrigued by the negotiations round the time of Confederation, but I pointed out that there may have been earlier ones in the context of the challenges to the Canada Jurisdiction Act, R v. Mowat, for example. So the more I talk this up, the more the pressure is mounting for me to get on with this study and publish. I need a sabbatical.

I'll have to read the book when it comes out in April to be able to comment more. But there are some important historical geographical issues to be explored. At any rate I look forward to the book when it comes out.

By Ilya Vinkovetsky

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