This blog is mostly professional, but may have some personal notes in it as well, as it affects my professional activities.

Its namesake stems from my PhD research into regional identities in the late eighteenth century in what is now southern Bavaria.

I blog about issues related to information literacy, access to library resources, the environment, and the Historical Geography of Rupertsland.

Some sources regarding his life and work.

Fischer, H. (1988) ‘Schön und vortrefflich’: die ‘Charte von Schwaben’: Ein kartengeschichtlich bedeutsames Werk zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts, in: Beiträge zur Landeskunde: Regelmässige Beilage zum Staatsanzeiger für Baden-Württemberg, Juni 1988, 3:1–8.

Fischer, H. (1988) Die ‘Charte von Schwaben’ im Massstab 1:86,400: Erläuterungen, in the series: Reproduktionen alter Karten, Stuttgart.

Fischer, H. (1993) Die ‘Charte von Schwaben’ 1:86,400, Cartographica Helvetica 7 (1993) 1–10.Gradmann, J.J. (1802) Das gelehrte Schwaben: oder Lexicon der jetzt lebenden schwäbischen Schriftsteller, Ravensburg.

Günther, Siegmund (1922) Eine Kartierung Oberschwabens um die Wende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts, Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Klasse der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München, Jahrgang 1921 315–330, 317n.

Wolfart, P. (2008) Mapping the Early Modern State: the Work of Ignaz Ambros Amman, 1782–1812, Journal of Historical Geography, 34(1):1-23.

"Ignaz Ambros von Amman" in Wikipedia [short entry but cites Wolfart (2008).]

Indigenous Studies Portal News

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Internet Access for Remote communities.

I smell research opportunity, but not sure who to pitch it to. I.e. who would fund such a thing.

Here's my thought. Internet access to Northern Manitoba Communities. Impossible to get reliable statistics on, aboriginal communities not counted by stats can. I'll have to start by doing some lit search. This may have to wait until after I finish MADLAT presentation.

I might even post that one here. In the meantime, ponder these two opposing statements re: sufficient levels of access.

“Current connectivity rates are not sufficient to support existing two-way multimedia applications, therefore making it difficult to integrate electronic applications into socio-economic development undertakings.” From “Broadband access for First Nations People in (Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs web site, accessed April 8, 2010.)

Government of Manitoba meanwhile boasts…”Broadband services are available to the majority of Manitobans, including fibre deployment to most major office buildings and industrial parks in the province. The Manitoba government is working to ensure that all communities in Manitoba, including those in remote areas, have access to broadband services by 2010.

Manitoba has one of the world’s most advanced fibre optic networking and digital switching platforms, with 100% digital switching throughout the province and over 200 switches to support the network grid - the third largest concentration in Canada. “, last accessed April 8, 2010.